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Posts tagged: covid-19

Shifting Plans For Your Wedding

Shifting Plans For Your Wedding
A guest post from our awesome creative director, Sam!
Planning a wedding for this year and next is certainly going to require you to be a bit nimble with your plans and dreams. That's not to say that you can't have all of the bells and whistles, it's more about mindset. At least that's how I'm choosing to feel about it. I know first hand that this is not even close to the ideal situation for planning a celebration, but at the heart of the matter, being committed to your partner is the ultimate goal to hold on to.

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Communities Run on Kindness

Communities Run on Kindness
It’s the start of another week and while we know that for some of us, the days of the week have lost some significance, we’re all still hanging in there and that’s no small accomplishment! We are fascinated with the things that people are doing in their own communities to show up for each other. Even though it’s called social distancing, we are seeing our community become closer socially while keeping distanced physically. 

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Living the SBL (small business life)!

Living the SBL (small business life)!
Like other small businesses, we are doing whatever we can to proceed safely during these times. In light of the spread of COVID-19, we have increased the sanitization of our equipment and surfaces and continue to practice frequent hand washing. Our chocolate laser lab remains open with limited hours. All online orders will be fulfilled and our small, yet nimble team is available to take any custom orders while working remotely.

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